King Oyster Mushrooms
King Oyster Mushrooms
Custom Order
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Pleurotus Eryngii – Description

(Eng) King Oyster
With their robust, meaty stems and delicate caps, king
oyster mushrooms bring a luxurious texture to any
dish. Their earthy, umami flavor intensifies when
sautéed or grilled. The versatility of king oysters
allows them to be sliced into thick medallions for a
steak-like experience or finely diced to add depth to
your dish.
(Fr) Eryngii
Avec leurs tiges robustes et charnues et leurs
chapeaux délicats, les pleurotes royaux apportent
une texture luxueuse à tous les plats. Leur saveur
terreuse et umami s’intensifie lorsqu’ils sont sautés
ou grillés. La polyvalence des huîtres royales
permet de les trancher en médaillons épais pour
une expérience semblable à celle d’un steak, ou de
les couper en petits dés pour ajouter de la
profondeur à votre plat.

All of our mushroom products are grown at the Oyster Services facility, located in France, Montauroux 83440. Ensuring a consistant product is available to you all year round… Expect High quality mushrooms, grown with care and attention to detail.
We offer everything, from a variety of Fresh and Dried, Gourmet and medicinal Mushrooms paired with our free local delivery service or pickup.
By producing over 300kg of fresh mushrooms every week, we ensure you are never let down with a lack of availability. Count on us to provide you with what you want, whenever you want!
Our primary aspiration at Oyster Services is to be of upmost conveniance to our customers. For this reason, we present to you, our custom order feature. With pre-order, you may secure and customise your order.
A b o u t
O y s t e r S e r v i c e s

Request your desired mushroom strain, quatity and even the particular characteristics of your selcted strain.
Our culture lab works towards finding, producing and maintaining the most vigorous mushroom cultures available, offering a wide diversity of charateristic (ranging from: texture, colour, shapes and sizes).
Our culture lab opperates through a process of natural selcetion. By observing the customer’s feedback, our most appreciated and desired mushroom traits are recorded and selected into culture for our next batch.
This selective iteration allows us to continously improve our products by moving towards a progressively accurate representation our customer’s demand.